
Added on by Natalie Grasso.

"If you're designing on a computer, you've got a ready-made image and you don't like this and you don't like that, so you get it altered. And you don't have to do all this handwork. But what you lose and what you miss is, the idea's coming while you're drawing, you've got time to think and one idea will grow out of another." —Marthe Armitage


Added on by Natalie Grasso.
The Terrace by Pierre Bonnard, 1918; Image via The Phillips Collection

The Terrace by Pierre Bonnard, 1918; Image via The Phillips Collection

"As they left the house he realized that instead of seizing the opportunity to explore every nook of it, he sat all afternoon in one room and merely dreamed of what he might have seen in the others. But that was always his way: the least little fragment of fact was enough for him to transform into a palace of dreams, whereas if he tried to grasp more of it at a time it remained on his hands as so much unusable reality." —Edith Wharton, Hudson River Bracketed